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Benefits of Keto Diet

 Benefits of Keto Diet

 The health benefits of keto diet have the same benefits as low-carb diets of all kinds, except that the keto diet has more benefits because the percentage of carbohydrates is very little compared to other low-carb diets.

 1. Weight loss

 The conversion of metabolic processes by replacing fats as a source of energy instead of glucose and insulin extracted from carbohydrates, during this process the body turns into a machine for burning fat, which leads to a significant and faster weight loss.

 Fat is clearly and quickly burned, and insulin levels drop significantly.

 It is inferred from the above that these metabolic processes cause the body to be placed in an ideal state that enables the body to lose fat and lose weight in addition to not feeling hungry.

 Numerous reliable scientific studies, which have compared different diets with low-carb diets and keto diets, have proven that the latter have effective results and more than different diets for weight loss.

 2. appetite control

 By following the keto diet you will control your appetite, let me make this clear to you ...

 When the body burns fat 24 hours a day 7 days a week, the body has had continuous access for weeks and months of energy stored in the body, which leads to a significant reduction in the feeling of hunger.

 This information has been documented from people's experiences, and scientific studies have proven that and explained how this happens as we explained earlier in this guide.

 This makes the person easily eat less, given the energy stored in the body, and this leads to weight loss.

 When you feel hungry, the person will eat food, and this does not affect the diet at all, which means that the person will eat at intervals without suffering from hunger due to the energy stored in the body.

 This makes intermittent fasting with the keto diet easier, and the body is in an ideal stage to get rid of type II diabetes and accelerate weight loss.

 Plus, you will save a lot of time and money because you don't have to eat snacks all day long.

 Many people, when following a ketogenic diet, want to eat 2 to 3 times a day, and most people skip breakfast.

 Not having to resist hunger can help fight diabetes and prevent diabetes and get rid of the problem of food addiction.

The keto diet also helps to solve problems of food disorders, such as bulimia (polymer), which is represented by eating it when eating, and eating large quantities of food within a short period.

 If a person gets rid of the constant feeling of hunger, he puts the body in a state where there is little appetite, which leads to a state of psychological satisfaction, and then stops eating naturally and without resistance from it, and accusation becomes easy for him.

 3. Continuous energy and mental performance

 The case of ketosis leads to a continuous flow of fuel and energy that is derived from ketones and then sent to the brain and will largely avoid fluctuations in blood sugar, which leads to an improvement in focus and the disappearance of disturbances that occur in the brain.

 Many people follow this keto diet, especially to increase mental performance, and some people follow this diet to increase energy in the body.

 When following a ketogenic diet, the brain does not need carbohydrates in this case, because the 24/7 brain fuel is derived from ketones, which is an ideal mental fuel for concentration and energy.

 4. Getting rid of type 2 diabetes

 Studies and scientific research have shown that the ketogenic diet controls blood sugar levels.

 It is ideal for treating type 2 diabetes, and this is very logical because keto lowers blood sugar levels and reduces the negative effect of high insulin levels.

 Since the keto diet may lead to the treatment of type 2 diabetes, it is very logical that it works to prevent it and treat prediabetes.

 5. Improve health

 Studies and scientific research have proven that the ketogenic diet works to significantly improve the risk of heart disease, in terms of improving levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and high-density lipoproteins.

 Also, the total cholesterol levels are usually affected by the minimum, which leads to a noticeable improvement in blood sugar levels and insulin levels.

 Improving these signs is associated with a condition called metabolic syndrome, a better change in blood sugar levels, and better weight.

 6. Rest for the stomach

 By following the keto diet, it leads to a quieter stomach, fewer gases, and often no gases, and you will get rid of cramps and pain in the stomach.

 For a large number of people who follow the keto diet, this feature is considered one of the best features for them, and it is usually noticed within two days of following a diet.

 7. endure physical stress

 Ketogenic diets increase the ability to withstand physical stress, by giving the body continuous access to energy stores.

 The body is not provided with energy through stored carbohydrates (glycogen), except for a few hours while the body does intense exercise or heavy physical activity.

 Then the body returns to energy consumption through other stores that are enough for the body for weeks.

 8. Treatment of epilepsy

 The ketogenic diet is an effective and medically proven treatment for epilepsy, and this treatment has been used since early 1930

 This pediatric remedy has been used extensively, with many studies showing very significant improvement, but in recent times adults have also benefited.

 Following a ketogenic diet reduces or does not take epilepsy drugs, this system helps people with epilepsy get rid of seizures, which reduces side effects of the medications and thus increases mental performance.

 9. Other potential benefits

 The benefits mentioned above are the most common, but there are other surprising benefits for some people.

 Did you know that the keto diet often helps to:

 • Return blood pressure to normal
 • Treating acne
 • Control of migraines
 • Improve mental health
 • Get rid of mental disorders and problems
 • Treating and limiting the development of Alzheimer's disease.

 There are estimates based on scientific studies that the ketogenic diet can increase a person’s longevity, help treat and reduce the risk of cancer, and is also used as a treatment for some people with Parkinson's disease.

How to get into the ketosis stage while following the keto diet

 Many things increase ketosis levels, which we will list below from most to least important.

 1. Reducing Carbohydrates 20 grams of digestible carbohydrates daily

 This is a severe carbohydrate diet This diet is similar to the Atkins diet, you should be careful not to limit fiber, as it may be beneficial.

 It should be noted that limiting too many carbohydrates may not lead to ketosis, it can lead to extremely low levels, and you will learn about this during the following points.

 You should be aware that there are things that you must follow for your success in this diet and not just limiting carbohydrates. Below you will find all the information to properly follow your keto diet and your success in it.

 2. Protein intake moderately

 You should eat the proteins that you need daily and do not overdo it when following the keto diet, because the extra protein will be converted into glucose in the body, which reduces the entry of the body into the stage of ketosis.

 Keep eating 1 gram of protein per day, for every one kilogram of body weight, this means if a person weighs 80 kilograms, he should eat 80 grams of protein per day.

 A common mistake in keto that prevents people from entering the ketosis stage is eating too much protein in their dietary recipes.

 3. Eat enough fat

 Eat fat until you feel full, and this is the big difference between following a keto diet and other diets that make people hungry.

 Eating fat helps greatly to get to the stage of ketosis.

 When a person follows a few diets or is restricted in calories of various kinds, it makes the person in a state of fatigue and a feeling of hunger, which leads him to not continue to follow the diet and surrender.

 But the ketogenic diet is long-lasting and makes you feel comfortable so eat enough fat until you feel full and satisfied.

 But if you feel hungry all day, I would recommend in this case to add fat to your meals, such as more butter and more olive oil.

 4. Avoid snacks when you are not hungry

 Eating food because it is in front of you and just for fun and when you are not feeling hungry, reduces getting into ketosis and slows down weight loss.

 But be careful; eating when you're hungry is good and it doesn't affect how you properly diet.

 5. Intermittent fasting

 If necessary, add intermittent fasting to your diet, for example skipping breakfast and eating within 8 hours a day.
 In the sense of fasting for 16 hours, this is very effective in boosting ketosis levels quickly, in addition to speeding up weight loss and improving type 2 diabetes disorders. This is usually easy if you follow the keto diet.

 6. Playing sports

 Doing any physical activity while following low-carb diets increases the ketone levels moderately, which also helps to speed up weight loss and treat type 2 diabetes.

 Exercising when you follow the keto diet is not necessary to reach the ketosis stage, but it is very beneficial.

 7. Sleep long enough

 For most people sleeping for about 8 hours is more than good, so keep this amount of sleep daily and avoid stress and psychological stress.

 Lack of sleep and an increase in stress hormone (cortisol) increases the level of sugar in the blood. It also slows entry into the ketosis stage and slows down weight loss, in addition to making it difficult to adhere to the keto diet.

 Lack of sleep and stress is crucial, so pay attention.

For more details >>>>> Keto Diet signs and symptoms that occur when entering a ketosis
