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Fruits of the keto diet

Fruits of the keto diet

Permitted and Forbidden Fruits in Keto Diet

 Most people who follow a ketogenic diet ask what permitted and banned fruits are in the keto diet.  So they get effective results that help them lose weight quickly.

 Fruits allowed in the keto diet depend on their low carbohydrate content, which benefits the body from them and also speeds up the digestion process and supplies the body with the most amazing benefits.

 The ketogenic diet system has many benefits and advantages, which you cannot obtain unless you become acquainted with the permitted and forbidden fruits while following this wonderful diet.

 If we talk about fruits in general, we will find that there is a complete list of permitted and forbidden fruits in the keto diet, so continue with our step by step and focus well until you get to know the most important types of permitted and forbidden fruits in the keto diet, which includes the following lines.

 Fruits Allowed to Eat While Following a Keto Diet System:

 You will notice that most of these fruits are distinguished by their remarkably low percentage of carbohydrates, and they are also very useful in losing excess weight very quickly and are characterized by their delicious taste such as:

 1. the berries

 Most fruits have a high carbohydrate content, but this does not apply to berries at all, because the pure carbohydrates ratio is low in berries, which makes them one of the best fruits to eat while following the keto diet.

 The berries also contain several digestible fibers and play a prominent role in reducing inflammation and protecting against some diseases.

 And the berries contain only 12 grams of pure carbs.

 Raspberry rubus

 Half a cup (60 grams) contains 3 grams of carbohydrates.


 Half a cup (70 grams) contains 4 grams of carbohydrates.


 A cup (75 grams) contains 9 grams of carbohydrates.

 2. Avocado

 Avocado fruit is characterized by its low calories, which amounts to about 138 calories, which makes it an ideal snack for those who follow the keto diet.

 It is best to eat a salad with avocado until you have a healthy, full lunch.

 3. Melons (cantaloupe)

 Melon fruit has about 8 grams of pure carbs and is also low in calories and also contains sugar content of up to 6 grams.

 Also, melons provide the vitamins and nutrients needed to nourish the human body, as it contains 4% of potassium, 49% of vitamin C, and 54% of vitamin A.

 4. Strawberry

 It is considered one of the delicious fruits that can be eaten, and a quarter cup of strawberries contains approximately 4.7 grams of pure carbohydrates and 4.1 grams of sugar.

 Or eight medium-sized strawberry grains (100 grams) containing 6 grams of carbohydrates.

 Strawberry juice is also a very beneficial juice for the body, which helps to lose weight significantly.

 One study showed that one cup of strawberries gives you 48.8 mg of vitamin C, or 81%, 127 mg of potassium, or 2%, and 20 micrograms of folic acid.

 5. Watermelon

 Watermelon is one of the basic fruits that abound in summer, especially when it is eaten alongside some types of cheese and bread, which constitutes a delicious and light meal on the stomach in the summer when the temperature rises sharply, which requires the body to a large proportion of water.

 Therefore, watermelon is considered one of the best fruits to eat in the summer, because it contains a large percentage of water that compensates the body for dehydration, and watermelon helps in losing weight, as it contains a low percentage of carbohydrates.

 Each ½ cup of watermelon also contains about 5.4 grams of pure carbohydrates, which makes it an acceptable option when following a keto diet, but with great caution.

 Or one cup (160 grams) contains 11 grams of carbohydrates.

 A cup of watermelon contains about 23 calories and 4.7 grams of sugar. If you drink watermelon juice, your body will receive 432 units of vitamin A, which is equivalent to 8.6%.

6. Lemon

 It is one of the best and always preferred fruits of the keto diet system, and if you want to get the best possible results for weight loss, you should drink lemon juice and add it to ice water or plain water and it can also be added in slices.

 Lemon contains about 0.5 grams of pure carbohydrates and only 0.2 grams of sugar.

 This fruit also provides 3.7 milligrams of vitamin C, equivalent to 6.2%, which many people do not know that lemons fight the symptoms of premature aging such as (wrinkles, facial pallor, dark circles, under-eye drops, brown spots, fine lines) and the reason is that Lemon water has powerful substances that fight oxidation that causes premature aging, and it promotes healthy digestion.

 7. Coconut

 Of the delicious fruits that many love, it is very useful and its result is effective and powerful in the keto diet system, as half a cup of grated coconut contains about 13 grams of fat and 2.5 grams of pure carbohydrates.

 You should eat sugar-free coconut, as it is more beneficial to the body.

 8. Tomato

 Tomatoes are considered very beneficial fruits for the human body while following the keto diet, as they contain only 2 grams of pure carbohydrates for every half of them, so they are considered a good addition and very beneficial to those who follow the keto diet system.

 9. Plum

 One medium-sized pill (65 grams) contains 7 grams of carbohydrates.

 10. Clementine

 One medium-sized pill (75 grams) contains 8 grams of carbohydrates.

 11. Kiwi

 One medium-sized pill (70 grams) contains 8 grams of carbohydrates.

 12. Cherry

 Half a cup (75 grams or about 12 cherries) contains 8 grams of carbohydrates.

 13. Peaches

 One medium-sized pill (150 grams) contains 13 grams of carbohydrates.

  fruits that are forbidden to eat while following the Keto Diet regime

 1. Apples

 Eating one apple a day keeps you away from the doctor for a long time because it is considered one of the healthiest fruits ever, but this does not happen if you follow the keto diet regimen.

 Because one apple contains more than 20 grams of pure carbohydrates, which is a very large proportion that does not match the diet of the keto diet.

 2. Oranges

 You should avoid eating oranges altogether if you are following the keto diet because it contains a very high sugar content, and it also contains 13 grams of pure carbohydrates.

 3. Bananas

 It is best to avoid eating bananas if you want to get the best health results in losing excess weight because bananas contain 25 grams of carbohydrates, which is a very high percentage that is not allowed by the keto diet system.

 But if you are a fan of bananas, you can eat them in only one case, which is if you mix them with other foods with a very small percentage.

 You can add it to ice cream, juices, pies, or some different recipes.

 4. Pineapple

 Pineapple is one of the delicious fruits that many adore, but it is preferable not to eat it while following the keto diet because it contains a high percentage of carbohydrates.

  best practices for eating fruits while the keto diet

 Try to focus on getting the most vitamins and minerals from sources that are friendly to the ketogenic diet to keep your body in a fat-burning position and to maintain the state of ketosis.

 If you have a craving for some delicious foods, whether they are fruits or sweets, then choose those with fewer carbohydrates.

 Learn more about all kinds of foods allowed and forbidden in keto, and try to add healthy sources of meat and vegetables every day.

 Here is one last tip.  If you are interested or curious about how fruit affects you and your diet, then test your blood glucose levels (blood sugar) after eating fruit.  If your blood sugar level is high or low for the next five hours, this indicates that you are sensitive to this specific fruit and you should avoid it.

  Can raspberries or strawberries be eaten in large quantities while following the keto diet?

 The numbers mentioned below are the number of digestible carbohydrates i.e. net carbohydrates (fibers are not counted).  The numbers are in grams per 100 grams of berries.

  • strawberry 6 grams.
  • blackberries 5 grams.
  • blueberries 12 grams.
  • Raspberry rubus 5 grams

 Blue or blackberries, or strawberries can be eaten in small amounts during a low-carb diet (a ketogenic diet), and you can eat them more freely if you follow a more moderate low-carb diet.

As you noted above, blueberries contain more carbohydrates, so do not overeat them. If you are on a low-carb diet, only eat them from time to time in small amounts.

  What is the amount of fruit allowed to eat while following the keto diet?

 For those on a low-carb diet (less than 20 grams per day), it is possible that they can eat fewer berries instead of fruits.  You don't need to eat fruits.

 You can get all the nutrients in the fruits from the vegetables, which contain very little sugar.  So, you probably would want to try eating more low-carb vegetables instead.

 Even when you follow a diet with a milder carbohydrate (20-50 grams per day) you should be careful when eating fruits, perhaps you should not eat more than one fruit per day.

 In a low-carb diet (50-100 grams per day) you may be able to eat two or three fruits a day.

 Grapes and bananas are the fruits that contain the most carbohydrates.

  What are the best fruits in the keto diet?

 Raspberry is the best option, like raspberries and strawberries, as it contains a small number of carbohydrates, which is estimated at 5 or 6 grams per 100 grams.  Also eating a plum or a little cherry may be right for you.

  What are the worst fruits in the keto diet?

 The worst fruits for those who follow a ketogenic diet are bananas, as they contain about 20 grams of net carbs in every 100 grams, then grapes come second, with 16 grams of net carbs in every 100 grams.

 But most fruits, including oranges and apples, are somewhat rich in sugar and carbohydrates.

  What is the best fruit when we want to lose weight?

 There are not many options, because of their sugar content, it is best to eat a few low-carb fruits if you want to lose weight by following a low-carb diet.

 But eating a handful of berries is a fairly safe option if you want something like fruit without eating too much sugar.

 It should be noted that if you increase the percentage of carbohydrates or sugars, it will get you out of the ketosis state that we aim to reach and maintain while you are on a keto diet.

  Why are avocados and tomatoes included?

 Avocado and tomato are considered scientifically as fruits, but most people think of them as vegetables.
