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Menstrual pain relief tips

Menstrual pain relief tips

 As if it's not enough bleeding, overeating, nervousness, and spots, it also causes extreme pain that makes you feel like crying.  What can be done to relieve menstrual pain and restore (at least in part) our quality of life?

 Menstrual pain, for those who are lucky and unaware, is a condition in the lower abdomen that accompanies the appearance of the menstrual cycle.
 40-90% of all women suffer from a menstrual period, especially young women before pregnancy and the first birth, women between the ages of 40 and above who have ended their fertility and female smokers.

 Menstrual pain appears much less frequently in women who have had a vaginal delivery or in women taking birth control pills.

 Here are some tips that will help you relieve pain:

 1. Exercise: Women who are physically active experience less menstrual pain, as endorphins released during exercise reduce the suffering.  The proposed activities to address this problem are swimming or hiking.

 2. Good nutrition: One of the problems with menstrual pain is excess sugar, which causes a deficiency of magnesium (the mineral that prevents excessive contraction).  We recommend reducing the consumption of empty carbohydrates, such as sweets, pastries, and sugars, and preferring whole carbohydrates (rice or whole wheat bread).

 3. Hot water bladder: The hot water bag on the abdomen will not eliminate pain, but it gives a pleasant feeling that can relieve pain.

 4. Pain relievers: Pain relievers can be used in coordination with the attending physician.  It is very important to take the medicine regularly twice a day from the moment the initial pain begins to your period, to the rest of all pain days.  It is advised not to wait for the pain to reach its climax, as the effect of the drug then will be less.

 5. Relaxation and stress relief: Reducing the burden of psychological tension in any way that suits a woman may well relieve pain.

 6. Taking a pill: Taking a pill reduces pain and bleeding significantly.  For birth control pills there is a hormonal effect on blood vessels and endometriosis found elsewhere.
 It is advised to choose a low-dose pill that reduces mucosa activity and helps relieve pain.

 7. Alternative treatment: There are different types of alternative treatments: the most effective, homeopathic remedies, reflexology, and acupuncture that is treated with "meridian" (the energy pathway that relates to the uterus) and helps relieve pain.

 8. Women smokers: - it is only advisable to stop smoking.

The most important causes of menstrual pain

 70% of women of fertile age suffer from menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) at different levels.  Often the real cause of these afflictions is Endometriosis, in which the endometrium is located in various places in the abdomen, not just in the womb, and causes severe pain.  Every woman who suffers from a menstrual period is advised to go to her gynecologist for examination.
